Purchase VIP Ticket for Business Expo 2022

Hailey Patry

Guest Speaker & Coach

 A happy life doesn’t happen overnight. Get simple steps from Hailey to guide your path to a happy successful life and business. 

Book your FREE 30 Minute Coaching session with Hailey

Read more about Hailey Patry

Hailey Patry is your True Happiness Coach, Marriage Mentor and The Happy Business Coach. Nicknamed as “World’s Happiest Woman”, and the recipient of countless business impact awards, Hailey is a master coach on happiness and success. She built a 60-million-dollar home-based-business, along with many other successful companies, all while overcoming great adversity, plus raising a family with three young boys having many special needs.  
Having spoken for over 1.5-million audience members, with students in 136 countries, she is an international speaker and facilitator. Hailey is also an award-winning author with four International-Best-Selling Books. Check out her 4th book HAPPY LOVE and her 5th book, 30 Days to Success. 
Overcoming more than 30 years of trauma, taught Hailey how to make lemonade out of lemons, and she has dedicated her life to helping YOU create your best life too… both personally and professionally. She teaches you how your self-worth connects to your net-worth, and how to be the leader of your life AND your business. Get ready to design a life you’ll love, balancing success at work and at home. 
As a happily married mom of three, Hailey works with entrepreneurs, families, organizations, and couples. When she’s not serving her amazing clients, you’ll see her hiking, biking and kayaking with her family, or snuggling with her husband and kids. 

Life by Design - Balancing Success at Home and at Work


What to learn from Hailey's session at Business Expo 2022:
  • How to optimize your most precious 5 resources, including time
  • How to shift any area of your life with 5 simple questions
  • How to win the week every week without rolling to-do lists
  • Habits of greatness that you can duplicate within your team
  • Mentor-worthy techniques to be your best, live your best and lead your best
  • How to make space for happiness and success

Meet Hailey's Clients 

Name of Client


How Hailey Impacted them ---As a happiness expert, Hailey guided me through each step with passion. She believes everyone is on a path to happiness, and sometimes we just need a little nudge in the right direction.

Name of Client


How Hailey Impacted them - Helping others discover their true selves is Hailey’s passion. Her light-hearted approach to mental health gives this serious subject a playful twist. Hailey is the friend you never knew you needed on your journey to happiness.

Learn more about Hailey at The Lifted Lid


I am here to help GOOD people, actually live a GOOD life. So you can make life happen FOR you, instead of it happening TO you.

Let’s make great things happen together!

Hailey Patry


Book the Breakthrough Coaching Session

Sign up today for your FREE 30 Minute coaching session with Hailey Patry as included in your VIP Package.